Building action paths to leverage
positive impact + financial return.

Our Services

Ateha's consulting projects aim to help entrepreneurs, companies, investment funds, and visionary people to identify opportunities for climate impact. Whether through business strategy, expansion opportunities, acceleration, investment, or on-demand projects.


How can we help you?

Project Regenerative Map

The project

Held in 2018, the Regenerative Map included the mapping of 12 South American businesses that operate based on the principles of the Regenerative Economy. It was carried out with the aim of inspiring and engaging people, projects and organizations, pointing out opportunities, models and trends, through a map of the global ecosystem of regeneration. In the mapping, the following objectives were defined:

1. Present Opportunities

What are the key areas for the regeneration of life on the planet?

2. Identify Models

How can we act regeneratively?

- Regenerative Vision and Mission
- Context of action
- Regenerative Practices
- Outcomes: Tangibles and Intangibles
- Community and Geographic Area of Impact

3. Find Trends

What are the paths that will guide attitudes, conduct and models of regenerative projects?


Project WeGenerateLife

The project

Held in 2019, the WeGenerateLife project developed into the analysis of conscious cooperative attitudes that restore ecosystems and rescue cultures in favor of life. The understanding of the mechanisms and models of regeneration through businesses, from a broad and systemic view of the market, pointed to different ways of acting on different business fronts with clear objectives for the generation of achievable and measurable regenerative results. An assessment of the regenerative potential of native species of production chains of Brazilian biomes was developed, pointing out the production and market potential for each one of them. In addition, the Regenerative Potential Index was created for which 35 dimensions were selected from the IBGE Agricultural Census, IPEA and UNDP databases, representing the environmental, social and economic axes. After this construction, weights were assigned to the dimensions, according to their relationship with pre-defined regenerative principles and practices. This tool can be manipulated in order to adapt the company's strategic principles and decisions, removing or adding dimensions and assigning other weights to them when deemed necessary.





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